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61 photos

Bald Eagle enjoying fall weather in Alexandria (with the US Capitol)Bald Eagle enjoying fall weather in Alexandria (with the US Capitol)Indigo Bunting on a McKee-Beshers sunflowerIndigo Bunting on a McKee-Beshers sunflowerButteryfly on a McKee-Beshers sunflowerIndigo Bunting on a McKee-Beshers sunflowerConowingo Bald EagleConowingo Bald EagleConowingo Bald EagleConwingo Bald EagleIndigo Bunting on a McKee-Beshers SunflowerAmerican Goldfinch at a McKee-Beshers Sunflower FieldIndigo Bunting on a McKee-Beshers SunflowerAmerican Goldfinch at a McKee-Beshers Sunflower FieldIndigo Bunting on a McKee-Beshers SunflowerIndigo Bunting on a McKee-Beshers SunflowerAmerican Goldfinch at a McKee-Beshers Sunflower Field